Reimagining banking sales by helping people achieve their life goals

We help banks transform customers from lost prospects to sales.
A plug-and-play sales solution for banks and a co-pilot for their customers.
Use cases

What are life goals?

Life goals are financial goals extended, which goes beyond the focus area of the bank. From our research, we have identified the top life goals people pursue.

Personalised journey co-pilot us your dream

Personalised journey co-pilot us your dream

Customers receive personalised journeys based on their life goals, which lay out the sequence of tasks, due dates and resources to guide them to goal achievement.

Financial product matching

Based on the life goal, relevant financial products are recommended and pre-approved for the customer.

financial product matching
Journey customisation

Journey customisation

Journey management tools that support banks in creating and customising journeys for various life goals and financial products, and rolling them out to their customers, optimising the sales process.

Smart insights

Deep insights about the customer are collected via the Co-Pilot, and shared to existing CRM tools, enhancing funnel analytics.

smart insights

Value to the banks

value 1
Accelerate sales cycle & time-to-value
value 2
Increase sales conversion
value 3
Strengthen customer relationships
value 4
Unlock new use cases & markets